5 Technology Focus Areas to Improve the Movie Going Experience

With increasing popularity of video on demand, improving quality of experience from the comfort of home, and dropping movie attendance, cinemas must provide an improved movie going experience and gain a competitive edge. New technological capabilities can help enable this seamless, personalized experience that moviegoers have come to expect.

Here are five of such technology focus areas that the entertainment and media industry can start with:

a. Cloud

Cloud computing means using a server or storage space or computing capabilities of remote computers. These computers perform the tasks necessary, across the internet for end users to see local results.

It’s choosing between buying or building a swanky piece of technology. The choice is between reading manuals, buying materials and assembling it, or simply walking into an office with expert professionals and buying one. Having a cloud based system helps provide audience with the best experience while being ready for the next technological advance.

The cinema industry runs like a well oiled machinery with different sections working in isolation to give a single output. This means every section flies blind before it all comes together. Cloud computing helps coordinate labour-intensive, technically complex tasks from content creations to film studios offering access and visibility, across each stage. This means booking, scheduling and even the simple act of watching a movie, is changed.

With a secure, scalable, cloud-based service, there is reduced overhead, because less personnel are needed to build and manage the operations. The provider offers services and maintenance, allowing faster and seamless integration of front and back end operations, leading to a smooth and impactful movie going experience for the customers.

b. Mobility

Customers today expect personalized service, fast resolutions, and convenience. Introducing digital experiences to engage with your customers must take these into account and involve a holistic approach. The considerations should be the people using it, the processes it augments, and performance metrics to evaluate efficacy.

For instance, interactive kiosks with interactive screens will allow customers to buy tickets and food, watch trailers and browse through options. Having a digital presence via an app will allow customers to order food and beverages while watching the movie. This could also be programmed for valet parking and other services designed for convenience.

Start loyalty programs that are simple to sign up for, offer rewards and personalize communication to elicit response rather than spamming. SAP S/4HANA can help integrate all your processes to give actionable insights for personalization of the program. The takeaway here is to make movie watching an unforgettable experience by making small changes that allow your customers to have a more immersive experience. And the best place to begin is with the data generated by your customers.

c. Potential of data

Data is the game changer. Leveraging data generated helps in building a nuanced and comprehensive profile for each customer. Knowing the preferences in movies, seats and concession snacks can go a long way in retaining customers. If they were fans of the Marvel Universe, offering specialized discounts and packages inclusive of their favourite snacks and drinks would make the experience unforgettable. Data can also help in engaging first time movie watchers and turn them into recurring customers. Data can help in scheduling movies based on preferences and genre, offering more choices to the customer.

Data when leveraged intelligently turns targeted campaigns into revenue. It is important to invest in a robust technology as a strategic imperative to stay ahead in the industry.

d. Power of analytics

Analysing the data generated helps understand your customers. What they want, which platform they are most active on, favourite genre and so on. Segmenting the population improves customer relationships and occupancy. The SAP Predictive analysis helps launch and follow targeted marketing campaigns using data sources on-premise and in the cloud. Creating special campaigns, promotion codes, price reductions, and memberships goes a long way in retaining loyalty.

Analytics will replace manual reporting with powerful dashboards and data visualization to draw insight for strategizing. This is necessary for processing qualitative and quantitative information based on facts rather than our perception.

e. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

AI/ML in can help in segmenting movies, genres and people who will watch other movies within the same genre. Understanding audience preferences is through their data, but AI/ML help go a step further and turn those preferences into digital marketing, recommendations, and personalized communication.

Predicting how a film will do in the box office and why can now be calculated. Movie scripts can be uploaded to get an analysis with MPAA ratings, character analysis, target audience profiles, and box office sales predictions. Such a system can work as an assistant or even a content creator. This helps in refining and editing to suit the target demographic. Studies predict that by 2030, AI will be capable of writing a New York Times bestseller.

Algorithms can be created to predict and create advertising tools from posters to trailers to improve impact. Another way to create an immersive experience is through Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). With AI/ML and computer vision technologies, complex and holographic scenes can be built within a pair of goggles; opening up a brand new market.

Get started with the entertainment accelerator

At Savantis, we are solving the unique business needs of cinemas by leveraging our experience in working with big cinemas like ArcLight Cinemas. We have built an entertainment accelerator solution packaging all the technological capabilities to improve the movie going experience. This solution is built on top of SAP Products (SAP C/4HANA, S/4HANA and Successfactors), extended with our own IP to solve the unique business needs of Cinemas. We can help achieve:

  1. Single real-time view of the customer and the business with one unified platform drives seamless customer engagement
  2. Accessible, secure data sets from analytic tools that work together
  3. Control, govern, and display of sensitive information
  4. Ability for entertainment employees to share information and work together to solve issues quickly
  5. Live, predictive real-time insights for better patron, visitor, player, fan, and customer satisfaction

Get in touch with one of our industry experts today to understand further how we can work with you closely to realize the nuances specific to your organization and help you meet your goals.

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5 Technology Focus Areas to Improve the Movie Going Experience

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In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to share with you that the health and safety of Savantis Solutions clients, employees, and the communities we serve is our top priority. It is unfortunate that the entire world has been hostage by this crisis, but we’re all in this together and we want to do everything in our capacity to help stop this.

In this regard, the State of Pennsylvania has announced mitigation efforts for COVID-19, especially for Montgomery County PA which has seen the highest number of cases in the state so far.

Here’s an excerpt from the official announcement by Gov. Tom Wolf.

“In Montgomery County, we are aggressively moving to a mitigation phase, and statewide we are providing guidance to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus,”

Following the guidance, the staff at our US offices will be working remotely until further notice. We assure you that it will be business as usual with no disruption. We will continue to monitor this rapidly changing situation and notify you of any further changes.

Thank you for understanding. Stay safe, everyone!

Allan Vanderheyden
Savantis Solutions LLC